I'm having an issue printing using Princh

Issues with printing PDFs

Some users have reported issues with printing certain PDFs. If you are seeing multiple failures or the error "document content is unprintable," you can try to "flatten" the PDF or converting it to another format. 

You can flatten a PDF by using a tool like SmallPDF

Document is too large

Princh can handle files up to at least 100 MB. If your document exceeds this size, you can

  • Compress the PDF using tools like SmallPDF or ilovePDF
  • Splitting the job into two parts by choosing the specific page range in the app. 

Splitting your document: 

On the print screen after you have selected and uploaded your document, click on the blue settings wheel to the right of your document's name.

princh dialog box 2


Adjust the page range on the settings screen. 

princh print screen dialog box

Select Accept once you are finished. Repeat these steps for both halves of the document. 

My Document does not appear on the release list 


  • Last Updated Jun 06, 2024
  • Views 7
  • Answered By Rory Martorana

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