How do I place an item on hold?


You can call any of our locations and we can place holds for you over the phone.

It is also possible to log into your library account and place a hold through the catalog when you find items you would like to request.

Once you have logged in using your name, library card number and PIN (typically the last 4 digits of your card unless you have asked us to change it after registration) you will arrive at our catalog.


In the search bar, search for your book title. 

searching nhfpl's catalog for a book title by entering a title into the search bar

Once you find your title, click on the Place Hold button on the right side of the item record. 

item record in catalog


A dialog box will pop up. Select the branch where you would like to pick this item up. If you will not need an item after a certain date you can specify a date for the hold to expire. Once you have made your selection, click on confirm location

dialog box prompting for user to select their pick up location

A hold confirmation message will pop up and the Library will reach out to you once the hold is ready. 

dialog box confirming successful hold request

  • Last Updated May 30, 2024
  • Views 10
  • Answered By Rory Martorana

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